Unpacking The Box

Holidays are always a mixed bag of emotions for most of us.  This Thanksgiving was, in many ways, one of our family’s best.  All the kids were home, everyone got along, it was relaxing and totally fun.  But for me, something occurred that opened some very old wounds and left me feeling completely deflated. We... Continue Reading →

Finding the Magic

As you can see from my post feed, it's been quite awhile since I last posted here.  And while it sounds cliche, as I look back I am quite surprised at both how much I've changed and how much more myself I've become.  This journey I'm on has taken some unexpected twists and turns.  For... Continue Reading →

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Grateful for the present moment

Retirement Reflections

What I Wish I Knew Before I Retired

New Beginnings

A safe haven where the mind is free.

Life According to Somebody

Reflections from a random person with a lot of thoughts on life

Writer of Words etc

Words, mostly

Quaint Revival

quirks, quips & photo clicks

Best Life After Cancer

Living life intentionally and with gratitude after cancer

Your 10 Minutes

Everyone deserves their 10 minutes!

Renard's World

My Personal Space On The Web To Post Anything That Tickles My Fancy


Welcome to my world.

Victoria (V.E.) Schwab

"You can't get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." ~C.S. Lewis

Emily L. Hauser - In My Head

Writer, social activist, a lot of Israel/Palestine, and general mental rambling


wise women working

1000 Awesome Things

A time-ticking countdown of 1000 awesome things by Neil Pasricha


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