The Shingles Vaccine and Reflections on Life

Last week, despite my best intentions and professional drive to meet a deadline, I just couldn’t make it.  Felled by side effects from the second of two shingles vaccines, I lay on the couch with fever, chills, aches, headache, fatigue and a very sore shoulder.  Sounds delightful, no?  Seriously, this is the first time I’ve... Continue Reading →

A Precious Gift

This week I was given a gift.  It came from an obvious place, but is nonetheless precious.  You see, the last couple of weeks I’ve been feeling a bit down.  Not seriously depressed, just blah.  I guess if I were writing a country song I’d say I’ve had the blues.  Perhaps my mood mirrors the... Continue Reading →

Put on Your Own Oxygen Mask First

Anyone who’s ever traveled by airplane has heard the order from the flight attendant: “In the event the cabin loses pressure put on your oxygen mask first, then assist those around you.”  This applies even if the person next to you is your baby, your elderly mother, your significant other or anyone else who is... Continue Reading →

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